Find it—Enjoy it—Live it!
What is color?: “The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.” —Dictionary
Example: “I am stoked by the brilliant shimmer of the ocean waves and the blue-green emerald-colored water. I want to jump in and surf all day. And then enjoy the colorful sunset, chips, spicy salsa, and fresh pineapple.”
One of our all-time favorites—is the Hawaiian Ti plant (Cordyline fruticosa or Cordyline terminalis). These lush sunbathers manifest massive amounts of color and are true standouts among the lush greenery of tropical vegetation. Get some bright NeverNotStoked® T-shirts or more subtle muted color tones. Either way, you can stand out among your friends and help us spread the human joy of being stoked on life!
Whether in Costa Rica, Hawaii, or any other location on our beautiful planet, “Madre” is always happy in her brightly colored NeverNotStoked® T-shirts. She is wearing our ‘Heather Maroon’ colored NNS T-shirt alongside giant leaved Philodendron plants. Native to tropical America, these plants start low in the darker parts of the rainforest, and as they mature, they reach out, climb skyward, and bask in the warm sunshine.
View the Store item descriptions and clickable drop-down menus for available styles, colors, and sizes.
Banana Cream, Amber (Rust Orange), Mint Green, Light Blue, Pink
Alpine Green, Dusty Pink, Sandstone, Maroon, Plum